Since 1998, we have helped companies to focus their process using Business Process managemet (BPM) or Robotic Process Management (RPA).
Our Mission
Our mission is to marry up our customer’s problems with best of breed software solutions. As a platform agnostic provider we are capable of adressing each issue with the correct fix for you.
We find the pain - then we apply the medicine.
What We’ve Achieved
One day a week back per team member (Countless times)
Quality Assurance
Safety Assurance
Happy people.
Let’s use our new Podcast coming soon: Kando BPM (Business Process Minutes).
We Automate to accumulate.
From Quality Management Systems (QMS) to Safety Management Systems (SMS) we graduatred to Business Process Automation (BPA).
Our company is named after Ada Lovelace who was the only legitimate child of the ‘Mad Bad and Dangerous to know’ poet, Lord Byron. More importantly, she was born in 1815 (a few years later in 1848 our other hero, Vilfredo Pareto was born) and she was the creator of Software Engineering as we know it today. A contemporary of Charles Babbage he was the first to realise the capabilities of his Analytical Engine. Alan Turing built upon her work when he created Colossus which was the world’s first electronic computer at Bletchley Park during WW2. Our company does actual ‘work’ for you, it doesn’t just provide reports. Hence the name Ada Works or Adaworx.